【同义词辨析】 2019-04-17 美食家epicure-gourmet

epicure: implies fastidiousness and voluptuousness of taste: a delicacy that only an ~ would appreciate.      fastidious讲究挑剔的to have a high standard,如she is too fastidious about her food or clothing她太讲究吃穿)      (voluptuous沉溺感官享受的abandonment to sensual pleasures,如promised a variety of voluptuous pleasures许诺各种享乐

gourmet: suggests a connoisseur in food and drink and suggests discriminative enjoyment: ~s rate the restaurant highly.     connoisseur鉴赏家鉴定家an expert on judgment of art, wine, beauty, music, etc.如a wine/art connoisseur葡萄酒鉴定家,艺术鉴赏家)   (discrimination鉴别力power to distinguish and select what is true, appropriate, or excellent,如acquire discrimination by looking at a lot of art通过观看许多艺术品培养鉴别力

gastronome: stresses the possession of expert knowledge and appreciation of fine food and wine and of the rituals of preparation and serving them: an annual banquet that attracts ~s from all over.  ritual固定仪式fixed ceremony,如rituals and festivals form an integral part of every human society仪式与节日是任何人类社会不可缺少的一部分)

gourmand: implies a less fastidious and discerning appreciation of food and wine, but a hearty interest in an enjoyment of them: a robust dinner fit for an eager ~.

bon vivant: stresses liveliness and spirit in the enjoyment of fine food and drink in company: ~s rang in the New Year in style.  这个词直接来自法语,保留法语发音vi'vant重音在第二个音节,字面意思是good liver会生活的人bon在法语表示好good, 如bon jour早安日安,pro bon公益, VIV词根表示生活to live,如幸存survive复活revive生动vivid,一个bon vivant有一些钱,有很多朋友,懂得饮酒美食时装,会讲故事喜欢欢笑。因为这些标准,很少有人能称得上bon vivant,但都希望有朝一日能成为一个good liver.

epicure美食家: 指享受美味口味讲究的人,gourmet美食鉴赏家: 指美食鉴赏家,能鉴别美食美酒,gastronome美食专家 : 具有专门知识,知道如何制作招待鉴赏, gourmand喜爱吃喝大肚汉: 不强调讲究吃喝有鉴别力,而是表示喜爱吃喝的人,bon vivant喜欢吃喝玩乐的人: 喜欢朋友聚会兴高采烈地品尝美酒美食

记忆方法: 1)首字母EGGGB想成BiG EGG大鸡蛋<==美食家喜欢吃

         2)美食家的意思是喜欢美食饮酒的人mean one who takes pleasure in eating and drinking.